Union Budget 2024-25 Draws Sharp Criticism for Neglecting Minorities; Shabbir Ali Questions, “Is This ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’?”


Hyderabad :- In a scathing critique of the Union Budget 2024-25, Congress senior leader and Advisor to the Telangana Government (SC, ST, BC, and Minorities), Mohammed Ali Shabbir, expressed deep disappointment, particularly concerning the allocation for minorities.

Shabbir Ali highlighted that the BJP Government’s allocation for minority welfare stands at a mere Rs 3,183.24 crore, representing a paltry increase of Rs 86 crore from the previous year. He underscored the nominal percentage of 0.000668% of the total budget allocated for minorities, emphasizing the inadequate provision for the welfare of a population constituting over 15% of the country.

Expressing concern, Shabbir Ali condemned the budget cuts, particularly in schemes related to minority education. Notable reductions include allocations for Education Empowerment, with an overall decrease from Rs 1,689 crore to Rs 1,575.72 crore. He brought attention to specific cuts in various schemes, such as Merit-cum-Means Scholarship, Maulana Azad National Fellowship, Free Coaching for Minorities, and others.

The Congress leader criticized the scrapping of the scheme supporting minority students clearing Prelims for UPSC, SSC, State Public Service Commissions, among others, after a meager spending of Rs 1.66 crore in 2022-23. He also lamented the substantial reduction in schemes under Skill Development and Livelihoods, including the removal of Nai Manzil, USTTAD, and others.

Furthermore, Shabbir Ali highlighted reductions in allocations for Central Sector Schemes/Projects and the overall decrease in the Special Programmes of Minorities from Rs 26.10 crore to Rs 26 crore. He pointed out that the allocated amount for minorities’ welfare in 2024-25 is lower than what was allocated in 2013-14 by the Congress-led UPA Government.

Drawing a stark contrast, Shabbir Ali noted the significant strides made during the UPA-led Congress government, including the establishment of a separate Ministry for Minority Affairs in 2006 and consistent budgetary increases. He concluded by asserting that the current budget exposes the hollowness of Prime Minister Modi’s claims on ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas.’

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