Digital India: Shocking Electricity Bills


Labourer Gets Rs 31 Lakh Bill, Barber Rs 27 Lakh, Tea Vendor Rs 36 Lakh in Muzaffarpur

Low-income residents in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, receive shocking electricity bills worth lakhs due to smart meter errors, prompting investigations by the electricity department and causing significant distress among affected families

Residents of Muzaffarpur, Bihar, are facing ‘current shocks’ from astronomical electricity bills despite their low usage. Labourers, tea vendors, and salon operators have received bills worth lakhs of rupees, even after installing smart meters.

Case 1: Tea Vendor Receives Rs 36 Lakh Bill

Kameshwar Sah, an 80-year-old tea vendor from Baraitha of Basghatta Panchayat, received a shocking bill of Rs 36,92,329 for June. Despite having only two bulbs and a fan, his consumption was recorded at 4,63,867 units. Sah, distressed by the bill, has been visiting electricity offices for days. The electricity department admitted a technical error and promised to correct the bill.

Case 2: Labourer Hit with Rs 31 Lakh Bill

Shubhlal Sahni, a labourer from Pier in Bandra block, received a bill of Rs 31 lakh after a smart meter installation two months ago. With only two bulbs and a fan, the bill was deemed incorrect by the electricity department, which is now investigating the issue.

Case 3: Salon Operator Billed Rs 27 Lakh

Vinay Kumar, a salon operator from Faridpur in Meenapur block, received a bill of Rs 27,10,618. Despite his normal monthly bills ranging from Rs 200 to Rs 500, Kumar’s electricity was cut off after the massive bill. The electricity department has assured him of a correction.

The electricity department has acknowledged the errors in all three cases and is working on rectifying the issues. Meanwhile, the affected residents continue to face significant distress.

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