Renowned Journalist Ch V M Krishna Rao Passes Away, Leaving a Stalwart Legacy in Journalism


“Ch V M Krishna Rao’s dedication and service to journalism have left an indelible mark on our profession. His profound insights, unwavering commitment, and vast knowledge made him a guiding light in the field. He will be remembered not only for his exceptional contributions but also for the warmth and affection with which he treated everyone he encountered. His legacy will continue to inspire generations of journalists to come.”

In a deeply saddening loss, the esteemed journalist Sri Ch V M Krishna Rao garu has breathed his last. With an illustrious career spanning several decades, he held a distinguished position as the Bureau head at Eenadu, a testament to his exceptional contributions to the field of journalism.

Krishna Rao’s journey in journalism was marked by remarkable achievements and significant roles. He ascended to the position of Chief of Bureau at the prestigious Deccan Chronicle, where his journalistic prowess and dedication to the craft shone through. Later, he assumed the role of Resident Editor at The New Indian Express in Hyderabad, further cementing his legacy as a stalwart in the industry.

Known for his unparalleled expertise in various domains, Krishna Rao’s grasp extended to political reporting, budget analyses, irrigation, and power-related matters. His profound understanding made him a trusted source of information, particularly in the realm of politics. His extensive knowledge and insights made him a ready reckoner for anyone seeking comprehensive political information.

As the news of his passing reverberates, the journalism community mourns the loss of a highly knowledgeable and accomplished figure. A man of warmth and affability, Krishna Rao was noted for treating everyone with genuine affection, leaving a lasting impact on colleagues and acquaintances alike.

The team at @newstapTweets pays heartfelt tributes to the memory of Ch V M Krishna Rao, underscoring the immense contributions he made to journalism. As his great soul finds eternal rest, the industry and his family are left to cherish his remarkable legacy and extend their deepest condolences.

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