“Only 50 out of 11,051 Private Schools in Telangana Submit Annual Administration Reports”


In a startling revelation, it has come to light that just 50 out of the 11,051 private schools in Telangana have complied with the mandate to submit their annual administration reports. These reports, which include crucial fee collection details, were expected to be filed with the School Education Department by September 30.

The reports, required to be audited by a chartered accountant, should contain comprehensive information about fee collection, staff salary expenditures, and other facilities. To date, the majority of submissions have come from smaller budget schools, numbering just 50. This situation has prompted discussions about potential special measures to ensure compliance among the remaining institutions.

Un-aided private schools in Telangana have been granted the authority to set their fee structures, with the involvement of parents nominated by the District Educational Officer on the school governing body. When establishing these fee structures, schools are advised to take into account factors such as staff salaries, building rent and maintenance, and classroom requirements.

The prescribed allocation of fees mandates that 50% be dedicated to staff salaries, while 15% each should be allocated for maintenance, developmental activities, and staff benefits like gratuity and provident fund. Importantly, schools are instructed to reserve only 5% of the fee collection as personal income.

A critical decision, whether or not to make these reports public, rests with the State government. Furthermore, sources reveal that some schools have requested exemption from commercial rates for electricity and property tax, citing their revenue and expenditure. It is reported that these institutions are advocating for domestic rates for both electricity and property tax. Ultimately, the government’s stance on this matter may hinge on the reports submitted by the schools.

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