Niloufer CoE Revolutionizes Preterm Baby Care, Saving Lives Across Telangana


Hyderabad: In a groundbreaking development, preterm babies in need of critical care are receiving life-saving treatment closer to home, thanks to the Niloufer Centre of Excellence (CoE) at Niloufer Hospital in Hyderabad. Previously, these infants were often referred to Niloufer Hospital, but now, they are benefiting from specialized care at Special New Born Care Units (SNCUs) strategically located in various districts. The CoE’s team of super-specialty doctors remotely guides their counterparts in these districts, making a profound impact on the survival rates of preterm babies.

Revolutionary Hub-and-Spoke Model

Telangana boasts 42 SNCUs, with nearly 30 of them directly connected to Niloufer Hospital. The remaining SNCUs are in the process of being linked to the CoE. Live feeds from the intensive care units (ICUs) of these SNCUs, where critically ill preterm infants receive treatment, are transmitted to the centralized monitoring facility at Niloufer Hospital. Here, specialist doctors are available round the clock to provide guidance and support.

Challenges and Progress

While challenges related to the availability of specialists both at the centralized facility and SNCUs persist, senior health officials at Niloufer Hospital report that they have already made a significant impact by reducing referrals and saving precious lives through this newly established system.

Enhancing Infant Survival Rates

Prior to the implementation of the hub-and-spoke model connecting SNCUs, critically ill infants had to be transported from districts to Niloufer Hospital for specialized care. This often resulted in added complications for these fragile babies due to the rigors of travel. Moreover, delays in transport sometimes led to infants being admitted in extremely critical conditions, posing greater challenges for revival.

The Path Forward

Dr. T Usha Rani, Superintendent at Niloufer Hospital, commented, “Although the initiative is still in its early stages, there has been a 30 percent reduction in referrals of sick babies from districts to Niloufer Hospital. Our senior pediatricians can offer valuable guidance to local doctors at SNCUs, enabling them to save babies on-site without subjecting them to the hardships of travel. The Centre of Excellence is still evolving and requires time to reach its full potential.”

Expanding Neonatal Care Access

The expanded network of SNCUs, which grew from 19 units in 2014 to 42 in 2023, offers a wide range of neonatal care services to newborns in need. These facilities, developed as separate units, are strategically located near labor wards in district hospitals. Dr. Usha Rani emphasized the central role of the CoE, stating, “Thanks to the centralized facility, caregivers at SNCUs are connected with us around the clock. They also feel like part of a broader initiative to reduce the infant mortality rate in Telangana.”

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