Israel’s Actions Draw Global Criticism, Biden Issues Stark Warning


In a bold and unprecedented move, U.S. President Joe Biden has sounded the alarm, cautioning that Israel is facing a substantial loss of international support due to its ongoing “indiscriminate bombing” in the Gaza Strip. Speaking at a high-profile fundraiser, Biden emphasized that Israel’s security, once strongly backed by the United States and the broader international community, is now in jeopardy.

“Israel’s security can rest on the United States, but right now it has more than the United States. It has the European Union, it has Europe, it has most of the world supporting them,” Biden disclosed to donors during the event. The President highlighted the growing concerns surrounding the impact of Israel’s military actions on the global stage, emphasizing the potential consequences of such actions on diplomatic relations.*

Simultaneously, a trio of key allies, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, has expressed deep frustration with Israel’s approach. In a joint statement, their Prime Ministers voiced alarm over the diminishing safe space for civilians in Gaza, asserting that the pursuit of defeating Hamas should not come at the continuous suffering of Palestinian civilians. This unified stance from traditionally supportive nations further underscores the widening gap in international support for Israel.

President Biden’s criticism comes in the aftermath of his condemnation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a war criminal. The intensifying scrutiny on Israel’s alleged “genocide,” involving the targeting of children, use of phosphorus bombs, and attacks on hospitals, schools, and refugee camps, has ignited a global debate on the moral and political justifiability of such actions.

As the diplomatic fallout unfolds, Israel finds itself on the defensive, grappling with a wave of international condemnation and a perceptible shift in global sentiment.

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