Iran’s Supreme Leader Calls for Muslim States to Halt Exports to Israel in Response to Gaza Bombardment


Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, issued a compelling call to action, urging Muslim nations to discontinue their oil and food exports to Israel. This resounding demand comes in the wake of Israel’s relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip, leading to widespread devastation and loss of life. Khamenei’s impassioned plea was reported by state media.

During a speech, Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized the urgency of ending the bombings in Gaza, stressing that immediate action is essential. He went on to assert that the flow of oil and food exports to what he referred to as the “Zionist regime” must be halted promptly. The Supreme Leader’s words reflect a deep concern for the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, where countless lives have been disrupted and destroyed.

Israel’s military operations, prompted by an October 7 attack, have escalated tensions in the region. The attack, attributed to Tehran-backed Hamas, led to numerous casualties and the taking of hostages. In retaliation, Israel initiated an unprecedented bombardment of Gaza, accompanied by the imposition of a blockade on the enclave, resulting in a dire situation for its inhabitants. Palestinian authorities report that the conflict has claimed the lives of more than 8,000 people, with countless others enduring immense suffering.

For Iran, backing the Palestinian cause has been an enduring political cornerstone since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. This unwavering support for the Palestinian people has played a significant role in positioning Iran as a leader within the Muslim world. Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s highest authority, underlined the role of the United States in Israel’s actions against Palestinians, accusing the U.S. of complicity in the “recent crimes.”

During his speech, Khamenei emphasized that it was crucial for the Islamic world to remember the role played by the United States, France, and Britain in the Gaza conflict. The Supreme Leader’s remarks were met with chants of “Death to Israel” and “Death to America,” underscoring the prevailing sentiments in the region.

Tensions between Iran and Israel have persisted, with the latter accusing Iran of arming Hamas and fomenting violence. While Tehran denies supplying arms, it acknowledges offering moral and financial support to Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip. Khamenei also took the opportunity to address Western allegations of terrorism against Palestinian fighters, labeling such accusations as “shameless acts of the West.”

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