Indonesia Shaken: 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes North of Bali and Lombok Islands


In the early hours of Tuesday, a powerful earthquake measuring 7.0 magnitude shook the depths of the sea to the north of Bali and Lombok islands in Indonesia. The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) reported the event, causing panic among residents who hastily evacuated buildings for safety.

Thankfully, initial reports from the Indonesian disaster agency BNPB indicated no immediate damage in the aftermath of the quake. The BNPB’s assessment was consistent with information provided by various agencies. Both Indonesian and U.S. geological authorities assessed the magnitude at 7.1, allaying concerns about a potential tsunami.

The earthquake’s epicenter was pinpointed by the EMSC as being 203 km (126 miles) north of Mataram, Indonesia. Remarkably, the quake’s origin was remarkably deep, occurring 516 km beneath the Earth’s surface.

The tremor made its presence felt just prior to 4 a.m. (2000 GMT) along the coastal regions of Bali and Lombok. It was swiftly followed by two additional quakes, measuring magnitudes 6.1 and 6.5, as reported by Indonesia’s geological agency.

At Bali’s Mercure Kuta Bali hotel, guests experienced a few seconds of intense shaking, prompting them to quickly evacuate their rooms. Suadi, the hotel manager, conveyed that although several guests temporarily left their accommodations, they remained within the hotel premises. Fortunately, no structural damage was incurred by the building.

BNPB spokesperson Abdul Muhari assured the public that the earthquake’s substantial depth suggested it would not result in significant destruction. The agency reiterated that no immediate damage had been reported in the wake of the seismic event.

As the situation continues to develop, authorities and experts are closely monitoring the region for any potential aftershocks or changes in the seismic landscape.

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