India Joins Global Consensus Condemning Israeli Settlements in Palestine at UN.


On November 9, India stood firmly with 144 other nations, voting in favor of a United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the ‘Occupied Palestinian Territory.’ The resolution, titled “Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan” (document A/C.4/78/L.15), garnered widespread support as 18 countries abstained.

Trinamool national spokesperson Saket Gokhale expressed satisfaction with India’s stance, stating, “Very glad that Republic of India voted in favor of the resolution. Israel’s occupation of Palestine through settlers is ILLEGAL. Israel’s apartheid must end NOW.” Gokhale shared this sentiment on social media, highlighting the gravity of Israel’s actions in the region.

However, the voting session revealed a significant divide, with seven countries casting dissenting votes. The United States, Canada, Hungary, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Nauru opposed the resolution. The UN committee’s statement emphasized condemnation for settlement activities, land confiscation, disruption of livelihood, forced civilian transfer, and annexation. The resolution specifically targets the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan.

The recorded vote of 145 in favor to 7 against (with 18 abstentions) underscores the global community’s collective call for an end to the contentious Israeli settlements. The resolution signifies international discontent with the ongoing situation and reaffirms the UN’s commitment to addressing issues of occupation and territorial disputes.

This diplomatic move comes in the wake of India’s earlier abstention from voting on a UN resolution advocating for a truce in Gaza. India’s decision, motivated by a lack of condemnation for Hamas, drew criticism from some quarters. The resolution, proposed by Jordan, saw 120 votes in favor, 14 against, and 45 abstentions. India’s abstention was clarified by New Delhi, citing a consistent stance against terrorism, insisting that terrorists, including Hamas, must be unequivocally condemned.

Sources: UN Statement on Resolution A/C.4/78/L.15, Trinamool Spokesperson Statement

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