Hyderabad: Milad-un-Nabi Procession Cancelled Due to Clash with Ganesh Nimajjan


Religious Tolerance on Display: Milad-un-Nabi Procession Yields to Ganesh Nimajjan

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In a bid to maintain peace and security in Hyderabad, three prominent organizations, namely the Sunni United Forum of India, Anjuman e Quadri, and Seerat-un-Nabi Academy, have decided to cancel the grand Milad-un-Nabi procession, which traditionally takes place on the 12th day of the Rabi ul Awal month of the Hijri calendar.

The decision to cancel this celebrated event stems from concerns that potential troublemakers might infiltrate the gatherings, given that Ganesh Nimajjan, a significant Hindu festival, falls on the same day. These organizations prioritize the well-being and harmony of the city and have opted to forego the procession for the year.

Syed Ghulam Samdani Ali Quadri, an office bearer of Seerat un Nabi Academy, expressed their stance, stating, “To maintain peace in the city, we have cancelled the procession this year.”

The Milad-un-Nabi procession typically draws a large crowd from various regions, culminating at Charminar. It features food camps, blood donation drives, and the distribution of confectionery along the procession route.

While some organizations are yet to decide on whether to cancel or reschedule their processions, it is likely that they will opt for rescheduling or consider alternative routes through Muslim-dominated areas to accommodate both festivals peacefully.

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