Germany Takes Strong Stance Against Hamas Supporters


In a recent announcement, Germany’s Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser, has called for the deportation of Hamas supporters where possible, following the Palestinian militant group’s attack on Israel. Faeser stated, “If we are able to deport Hamas supporters, we must do this.” She emphasized the heightened focus on the Islamist scene by security authorities, citing a recent attack in Brussels as an indicator of the threat.

Germany is increasingly concerned about rising antisemitism within the country, with incidents such as an attempted attack on a Berlin synagogue and clashes between pro-Palestinian protesters and police in Berlin and other cities. At the same time, members of Germany’s large Palestinian community have voiced concerns about their voices being silenced through demonstration bans.

Faeser urged citizens to report any “propaganda” supporting Hamas to the authorities. In a related development, prosecutors in Munich conducted a search of a 38-year-old German national’s house over an Instagram post defending Hamas’s attack.

“We will not allow this vile hatred and horrific violence to spread,” Faeser declared in a strong stance against terrorism and its supporters.

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