Controversial Casino Organizer Chikoti Praveen Joins BJP Ahead of Telangana Polls


Hyderabad : Controversial casino organizer Chikoti Praveen has made headlines by officially joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ahead of the Telangana Assembly elections. Praveen, who is currently facing criminal charges for his involvement in organizing gambling clubs and casinos both in India and abroad, had been planning to join the BJP, claiming to have received approval from the state party leadership.

However, Praveen’s entry into the BJP was not without its share of drama and opposition. Some BJP leaders raised objections to his induction into the party, citing his notorious background and the criminal charges he faces. This opposition created uncertainty regarding his acceptance within the party.

Chikoti Praveen’s initial attempt to join the BJP was marked by a political blunder. He had organized a ceremonial induction event into the party and even erected hoardings across the city to announce his entry into the political arena. However, the event took an unexpected turn when he received news that senior BJP leaders, including Telangana BJP chief and Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy, had discreetly left the BJP office before his arrival. This left Praveen disappointed and raised questions about the level of support he had within the party.

Chikoti Praveen’s background is indeed colorful and controversial. He has been known for his exotic interests, which included the possession of snakes, lizards, and even ostriches. However, beyond these unusual hobbies, Praveen has made headlines for his involvement in gambling-related activities, both in India and abroad. He was once caught in Thailand during a casino raid, although he claimed to have been an unwitting guest at the hotel where the gambling activities were taking place.

Praveen has been involved in various legal troubles, including being booked by the police for organizing a rally in violation of prohibitory orders amid communal tension. He organized the rally to pay tribute to Maratha ruler Shivaji after a man allegedly defiled his statue. Additionally, he is facing an Enforcement Directorate probe in a money laundering case and has several criminal cases filed against him in various police stations.

Despite his controversial reputation and legal issues, Chikoti Praveen has expressed a strong interest in securing a BJP ticket to contest from the LB Nagar seat in the upcoming elections. This move has caused unease within the BJP ranks, as some members within the party have raised concerns about his suitability as a candidate. Praveen’s entry into politics and the BJP has undoubtedly added an element of intrigue to the political landscape in Telangana ahead of the upcoming elections.

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