Annual Haj Season Approaches: Mohammad Cap Mart in Hyderabad Prepares Pilgrims with Specialized Ihram Clothing


Hyderabad:- As the annual Haj season draws near, Mohammad Cap Mart (MCM) in Pathargatti gears up to provide essential ihram clothing and accessories for men and women pilgrims.

In anticipation of the intense summer heat in Makkah Mukarrama, Saudi Arabia, during the peak of Haj, MCM ensures the comfort of pilgrims by offering soft, fine-textured cotton ihram sourced from reputed textile mills both domestically and internationally.

Managing Director of MCM, Mohammed Ilyas Bukhari, highlights the importance of quality ihram in combating the harsh climate conditions pilgrims will face, with temperatures projected to range between 42 and 45 degrees Celsius. Additionally, Makkah experiences rainfall during this period, contributing to sultry weather. To address these challenges, MCM’s R&D wing has developed an absorbent and high-quality ihram through rigorous research efforts.

The symbolic white ihram, representing uniformity and equality among pilgrims regardless of status, remains unstitched, possibly reminiscent of the shroud. Recognizing its significance as the first obligatory rite of Umrah and Haj, MCM emphasizes the need for careful consideration in selecting ihram.

Beyond ihram, MCM, a 113-year-old establishment, offers a comprehensive range of Haj season essentials, including ihram belts, pocket prayer mats, sleeper bags, shoulder bags, umbrellas, caps, prayer beads, leather socks, cotton printed scarves, and miswak. The complete package of 26 items is available for Rs. 4500, while individual ihram pieces are priced between Rs. 750 to Rs. 2000.

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