Chief Minister Approves New Pay Revision Committee for Telangana State


Hyderabad, Oct-2, 2023 : In a significant development today, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao granted his approval for the establishment of a new Pay Revision Committee (PRC). This committee, tasked with revising pay scales for state government employees and pensioners, will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the workforce in Telangana.

The newly appointed PRC will be led by retired IAS officer N Sivashankar, with another retired IAS officer B Ramaiah serving as a member. Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumari issued the official orders for this crucial initiative.

In a show of goodwill towards government employees and pensioners, the State government simultaneously announced a five percent interim relief (IR). This relief will provide much-needed financial support to employees and pensioners while the PRC diligently crafts its recommendations.

The primary mission of the committee is to propose revised pay scales within a tight timeframe of six months. To facilitate the smooth functioning of the PRC, the Finance department has been directed to allocate the necessary funds and personnel.

The PRC’s comprehensive review will encompass a thorough analysis of the current pay scales of Telangana employees in comparison to their counterparts in other states and the Government of India. Factors such as State Revenue growth, government commitments to ongoing and future investments, development programs, and welfare schemes will also be taken into consideration.

This announcement comes as a fulfillment of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s assurance to government employees and pensioners, made during a recent discussion in the Assembly. He reaffirmed the government’s commitment to equitably distribute the benefits of the State’s economic development among all sections of society, including its dedicated employees. Chief Minister Rao hinted at an “unbelievable” increase in salaries under the forthcoming PRC, following the BRS government’s remarkable 70 percent salary hike over the past nine years. Stay tuned for further updates on this crucial development.

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