Fact-Checking Empowerment: Urdu Journalists Complete Training on Countering Disinformation


US Consulate Urges Journalists to remain vigilant

Hyderabad : Jennifer Larson, the Consul General of the US Consulate Hyderabad, addressed the pressing global issue of disinformation during her keynote speech at the conclusion of the “Countering Disinformation for Urdu TV journalists” training project held at the Salar Jung Museum’s auditorium.

Larson emphasized the critical role of a free and open press in sustaining democracies and stressed that accurate information is pivotal to safeguarding the democratic process. She underlined the fact that for the press to effectively fulfill its role, it must be armed with correct information. In attendance, DGP Anjani Kumar urged journalists to adopt a responsible stance in curbing the dissemination of fake news.

He encouraged people to refrain from thoughtlessly forwarding messages, highlighting the potential harm of unchecked information on society, including the risk of inciting violence. The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at Osmania University, in partnership with the US Consulate General Hyderabad, orchestrated an eight-month-long training initiative.

This program culminated in the successful certification of 37 Urdu journalists. The program’s objective was to equip Urdu journalists with the skills, tools, and techniques necessary to combat misinformation in mainstream media. The curriculum encompassed 40 hours of blended-mode training, with participation from 35 TV journalists from Urdu channels and digital platforms. Notably, around 30% of the attendees were women journalists, and eight students from Maulana Azad National Urdu University also participated. The program featured lectures and workshops by experts from various parts of the country.

The event’s proceedings included the presentation of tokens of appreciation to Consul General Jennifer Larson, DGP Anjani Kumar, and Prof. Stevenson Kohir, the Head of the Department of Journalism, presented by representatives of the Telangana State Urdu Working Journalists TUWJF. The students who successfully completed the Fact Check course extended their gratitude to Sudhakar Reddy Udumula, Editor-Investigation at Times of India, and other faculty members for their guidance and support.

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