Tel Aviv: In a devastating turn of events, at least 21 Israeli soldiers lost their lives in a clash with Hamas in Gaza, as confirmed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Tuesday. During a press briefing, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari revealed that the soldiers were engaged in preparing explosives to demolish two buildings when militants launched a rocket-propelled grenade at a nearby tank on Monday. This unexpected attack triggered a premature explosion, leading to the collapse of the buildings. Tragically, soldiers were either inside or in close proximity during the incident, as reported by Xinhua news agency.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his condolences to the families of the fallen soldiers. On X, he posted, “I wish to strengthen the dear families of our heroic warriors who fell on the battlefield. I know that for these families, their lives will be changed forever.” Prime Minister Netanyahu also announced that the military has initiated an investigation into the incident.