Watch// The Statements from INDIA Alliance Leaders Following Seat Sharing Resolution


September 1, 2023

Following the successful passage of a critical resolution on seat sharing within the INDIA Alliance, key leaders of the coalition have shared their thoughts on this pivotal development:

Rahul Gandhi, Senior Congress Leader:
Rahul Gandhi, addressing the media, highlighted the potential of the INDIA Alliance by stating, “This stage represents 60% of India. If we unite, it is impossible for the BJP to win. Hence, we must unite efficiently.” Gandhi emphasized the importance of unity and flexibility among alliance members and stressed the need to defeat the BJP.

Lalu Prasad Yadav, RJD Supremo:
Lalu Prasad Yadav, speaking at a press conference, affirmed his commitment to the alliance’s cause, saying, “We were not together, and Modi was going ahead. Since we were not together, the country suffered.” Yadav expressed readiness for seat sharing, even if it means taking a backseat.

Mallikarjun Kharge, Congress President:
Mallikarjun Kharge outlined the alliance’s objectives, focusing on fighting issues such as inflation, rising prices, and unemployment. He stressed the need for an INDIA Alliance victory to counter what he described as institutional corruption and creeping dictatorship.

Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi Chief Minister:
Arvind Kejriwal, addressing the media, characterized the INDIA Alliance as a movement of 140 crore Indians working to build a 21st-century India. He criticized the Modi government for favoring an individual over the people and warned against growing authoritarianism.

The passage of the seat-sharing resolution signifies a significant milestone for the INDIA Alliance as it gears up for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Stay tuned for further updates on this dynamic political alliance.

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