IMF Chief Warns: AI Impacting 40% of Global Jobs, But Offers Tremendous Opportunities


Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to impact 40% of jobs globally, according to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva. In an interview before the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Georgieva highlighted both the risks and opportunities associated with AI. She noted that 60% of jobs in advanced economies will be affected, while globally, the impact is estimated at 40%, with higher-skilled jobs expected to bear a more significant impact.

While expressing concerns about potential job displacement, Georgieva also emphasized the tremendous opportunity AI presents for boosting productivity and global growth. The IMF report, published recently, indicates that only half of the jobs impacted by AI may face negative consequences, while the rest could benefit from enhanced productivity.

Georgieva stressed the importance of focusing on helping low-income countries harness the opportunities presented by AI. Despite acknowledging the potential challenges, she remains optimistic about AI’s transformative potential, referring to it as both “a little scary” and “a tremendous opportunity for everyone.”

The IMF is set to release updated economic forecasts later this month, with Georgieva suggesting that the global economy is on track to meet previous projections, describing it as “poised for a soft landing.” However, she cautioned about the delicate balance required in monetary policy to ensure sustainable growth.

As the global economy seeks ways to overcome historically muted growth levels, the potential for AI-related productivity gains becomes increasingly crucial, reflecting the IMF’s emphasis on navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence.

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