In a groundbreaking development, a unit of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has achieved a significant milestone by creating the lightest bulletproof jacket for India’s security forces. This revolutionary jacket is engineered to withstand the highest threat level, known as Level 6, marking a major advancement in protective gear technology.
According to officials, the newly developed bulletproof jacket, unveiled in a statement by DRDO, offers unparalleled protection against 7.62 x 54 R API ammunition. The breakthrough lies in the innovative use of novel materials and cutting-edge processes, pushing the boundaries of defensive capabilities.
“The Defence Materials and Stores Research and Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur, has accomplished the creation of the lightest bulletproof jacket in the country, tailored to safeguard against 7.62 x 54 R API (Level 6 of BIS 17051) ammunition,” the statement affirmed.
Field tests conducted at TBRL, Chandigarh, as per BIS 17051-2018 standards have validated the jacket’s efficacy. Notably, the front Hard Armour Panel (HAP) emerges as a standout feature, capable of withstanding multiple hits, up to 6 shots, of 7.62 x 54 R API (Sniper rounds), in both in-conjunction with (ICW) and standalone designs.
What sets this innovative jacket apart is its ergonomically designed front HAP, constructed from a monolithic ceramic plate with polymer backing. This design not only guarantees maximum protection but also prioritizes wearability and comfort during critical operations.
“The areal density of ICW hard armour panel (HAP) and standalone HAP is less than 40 kg/m2 and 43 kg/m2 respectively,” the statement emphasized, highlighting the jacket’s lightweight construction without compromising on safety.
This breakthrough underscores DRDO’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technological innovation to equip India’s security forces with state-of-the-art protective gear, ensuring their safety and effectiveness in the line of duty.