Protestors Demand Restoration of Jannat ul Baqi Shrines 101 Years After Destruction.


Hyderabad :- (SNS ) In a poignant display of solidarity and remembrance, protestors worldwide gathered to demand the restoration of the revered shrines at Jannat ul Baqi, a cemetery of profound significance to the Muslim community. One hundred and one years have passed since the wanton destruction of these sacred sites, perpetrated by the House of Saud and Wahhabi followers.

Al Baqi Organization Leads Global Movement for Reconstruction, Commemorates Shawwal 8.

Jannat ul Baqi holds the remains of 7,000 Companions of the Holy Prophet, including esteemed figures like Imam Hasan AS, Imam Ali bin Hussain AS, Imam Mohammed Baquer AS, Imam Jaffer Sadiq AS, and Fatima SA, possibly the only daughter of the Holy Prophet. The demolition, which occurred on Shawwal 8 of the Islamic calendar in 1344 AH, has since been a focal point of anguish and activism.

Global Outcry:
Annually, on Shawwal 8, voices across the globe unite in protest, condemning the desecration and demanding swift action from the Saudi government. This year, protestors convened at Dharna Chowk, Indira Park in Hyderabad, brandishing banners and echoing chants denouncing Al Saud—the perpetrators of this historical injustice.

Scholarly Support:
Notable scholars of the Muslim community joined the demonstration, reaffirming their commitment to peaceful protest until Jannat ul Baqi is restored to its former sanctity.

Gratitude to India:
The Al Baqi Organization expressed gratitude to the Indian government for its steadfast support of fundamental freedoms, including the right to assemble and express dissent.

As the clamor for justice grows louder, the call to rebuild Jannat ul Baqi reverberates across continents, a testament to the enduring reverence for those laid to rest within its hallowed grounds.

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