Massive Fire Engulfs Plywood Factory in East Delhi’s Gandhi Nagar Area


A significant fire erupted on Wednesday morning at a plywood factory situated in the Gandhi Nagar area of east Delhi, as confirmed by officials.

According to fire department officials, they received information regarding the blaze at 4:07 am, prompting an immediate dispatch of 21 fire tenders to the scene.

As of now, the fire has been successfully brought under control, and the ongoing process of cooling down the affected area is underway, as stated by the authorities. “At 4:07 am, we received an emergency call concerning a fire incident in a plywood warehouse.

Subsequently, we dispatched 3-4 fire tenders. By 5:29 am, the fire was classified as a Make-6 category fire, leading to the deployment of 21 fire tenders to combat the blaze.

Thankfully, no injuries have been reported thus far,” stated Rajendra Atwal, the Divisional Officer of the Central Division.

A witness present at the scene expressed the opinion that prompt action by the authorities could have curtailed the spread of the fire.

The fire initially broke out at Jagmohan Plywood. Regrettably, it took over an hour for the fire tenders to arrive. We resorted to using our own fire extinguishers in an attempt to contain the flames.

While the fire was initially confined to a specific section of the premises, it eventually expanded. With quicker intervention from the fire tenders, the situation could have been better managed,” claimed an individual named Karandeep Singh.

Visuals captured in the morning depicted individuals salvaging materials from the affected shop.

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