Indian-Origin Student Freezes to Death in US After Nightclub Denial


Urbana, Illinois: The sudden and tragic death of 18-year-old Akul Dhawan, an Indian-American student at Illinois University, has ignited a wave of scrutiny and grief within the community. Dhawan was found lifeless last month after succumbing to freezing temperatures near a club that had denied him entry during a night out with friends.

Questionable Search Efforts: Dhawan’s parents have lodged a formal complaint with the University of Illinois Police, expressing concerns about the search efforts and protocols followed during the investigation. They allege negligence on the part of the university police, pointing out discrepancies in the reported search efforts near the Busey-Evans Residence Hall, where Dhawan was found nearly 10 hours after being reported missing.

Cause of Death: The Champaign County Coroner’s Office attributed Dhawan’s death to hypothermia exacerbated by acute alcohol intoxication and prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures. His parents assert that the university police neglected their duty and failed to conduct a thorough search, ultimately leading to their son’s demise.

Calls for Accountability: In an open letter, Dhawan’s parents demand accountability from university officials and the police, emphasizing the need for transparency and proper procedures in such situations. They express deep sorrow over the loss of their son and urge authorities to address the alleged negligence.

National Attention: Dhawan’s tragic death adds to a concerning trend, with several young men of Indian and Indian-American descent meeting untimely ends across the United States this year. White House official John Kirby condemned such incidents, reaffirming the administration’s commitment to combating violence based on race or any other factor.

Assurance from Officials: US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti reassured the Indian community of the Biden-led administration’s dedication to ensuring their safety while pursuing higher education in the United States.

Family’s Heartfelt Plea: Dhawan’s parents express profound grief over their son’s untimely passing and lament the lack of timely communication from the university regarding the incident. They seek answers and justice for their son, emphasizing the university police’s alleged negligence in their search efforts.

Remembering Akul Dhawan: Dhawan was a promising student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His parents describe him as a smart and ambitious young man with a bright future ahead of him.

Final Thoughts: As the investigation into Dhawan’s death continues, his parents’ plea for accountability resonates deeply within the community. The tragic loss of a promising young life underscores the importance of prioritizing safety and thoroughness in campus security protocols.

Dhawan’s parents

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